Camerata Queensland's Chamber Orchestra visits and performs in aged care facilities while touring regional Queensland, extending artistic opportunities for community members of all ages. Photo courtesy of Camerata.
Tim Fairfax Family Foundation Annual Report 2019-2020

Vibrant And Resilient Communities

The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation exists to support rural, regional and remote communities in Queensland and the Northern Territory, who face particular challenges due to their geographic location. Through our funding contributions, we aim to build the capacity of organisations working to improve the vibrancy, connectedness, resilience, and sustainability of these communities. We focus on community, arts and education initiatives that are community driven, support leadership, encourage diversity, achieve broad impact and involve collaboration between both private and public sector partners. We envisage a future where people in rural, regional and remote communities in Queensland and the Northern Territory are afforded a level of opportunity equal to their metropolitan counterparts.

Below is a selection of statistics providing an overview of the TFFF’s grantmaking activities in FY20. Please use the drop down grantmaking menu above to view detailed information on each of the TFFF's focus areas: ArtsCommunity and Education.


new approvals


multi-year approvals


in new distributions


total commitments over $150,000


average total approved


initiated by TFFF

The figures in the infographics above refer only to new funding approved in the 2019/20 financial year. Prior to the 2017/18 financial year,  these figures referred to both new and ongoing approvals.

The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation is based in Meanjin (Brisbane).