Yiliyapinya Founder and CEO Sheryl Batchelor hosting government and philanthropic stakeholders at the Yili Program. Photo courtesy of Yiliyapinya.
Tim Fairfax Family Foundation Annual Report 2023-2024



total distributed in FY24


distributed since inception


total corpus

The TFFF corpus is invested in a diversified and values-aligned portfolio.

Financial and Investment Data

The below values are as at 30 June for the relevant year2023-242022-23
Portfolio Market Value (corpus)$155,261,237$149,580,813
Distributions (total for financial year)$7,725,100$7,343,000
Distributable Income (5% of previous year’s 30 June corpus balance)¹$7,479,040$7,060,975

1TFFF set its own distribution target of 5.2%.

Distributions Since Inception

Since establishment in June 2008, the TFFF has distributed a total of $76,413,780.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation as at 30 June 2024.

    The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation is based in Meanjin (Brisbane).