TFFF partners with organisations delivering initiatives that promote student engagement and assist young people to develop their aspirations for further education and career pathways. Educators are developed and supported through professional development, peer networks and whole of school approaches.
The figures in the infographics below refer only to new funding approved in the 2019/20 financial year. Prior to the 2017/18 financial year, these figures referred to both new and ongoing approvals.
new approval
average total approved
multi-year approvals
Seed Foundation Australia (SFA) aims to improve the health, wellbeing and employment outcomes of Indigenous students attending schools in North and Far North Queensland. They do this by providing holistic support services for students who are completing a Certificate II/III in Health and/or Community Services with partner schools in Townsville, Cairns, Innisfail, Abergowrie, Mossman, Palm Island, Atherton, Weipa and Bamaga.
Funding from TFFF enables SFA’s Engagement and Pathways Managers to provide individualised support and guidance for students, and to connect them with employment, traineeship and tertiary education opportunities.
SFA’s relationship-focused approach is even more important for boarding students who come from various communities or islands across Cape York and the Torres Strait. These include Aloomba, Doomadgee, Gordonvale, Yarrabah, Badu Island, Mer Island, Wujal Wujal, Mabuiag Island, Murray Island, Horn Island, Thursday Island, Boigu Island, Saibai Island, Yam Island, Coen, Kowanyama, Umagico, New Mapoon, Seisia, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw, Woorabinda, Weipa, Bamaga, Normanton, and Injinoo.
Host Employers in Townsville and Cairns offering School Based and Adult Traineeships play an important part in students’ career development, allowing them to gain real life experience that will not only assist with their career prospects but will also benefit their families and communities through sharing of the knowledge gained. As a result of their involvement with SFA, a higher proportion of students are now considering careers within their local health and social service industries.
“My name is Anastacia Barton, I am from Cardwell and a boarder at St Patrick’s College, Townsville. I am in Year 11 and I have commenced the Certificate II in Health Support Services & Community Services. I was successful in gaining a school-based traineeship with Northern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL) where I work every Wednesday completing health administration duties as well assisting the health workers on visits to their clients. I will continue my traineeship in 2020 as a year 12 student and I will also commence my Certificate III in Health Services Assistance."
Anastacia Barton
School-Based Trainee in Cardwell
Fair Education Queensland is designed to empower school leadership teams to meaningfully engage with parents and school communities with the aim of improving outcomes for students.
Brown’s Mart Arts’ Education Program develops and produces new syllabus-linked work which is presented to both school groups and the broader community in Darwin each year.
Strengthen internal capacity through the employment of key operational roles and the expand their work throughout the Central Highlands to inspire and engage young, curious minds in the world of science.
Employment of an Art Worker Educator and delivery of various professional development initiatives in art centres throughout Central Australia.
Facilitating the employment of a dedicated project worker to drive establishment and delivery of the Early Connections program, a place-based and community-led approach to improving early childhood development in Queensland’s Laidley region.
Building the capacity of Queensland Theatre to engage and respond to the creative needs of schools, communities and performance venues throughout regional Queensland with curriculum-aligned resources, workshops, support and professional development for teachers and teaching artists.
To improve training and employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students interested in careers in health. Seed Foundation provides wraparound support to address gaps in the transition from school to training, university and employment.
Providing bursaries to pre-service teachers to encourage them to take placements and hopefully later employment in rural and remote areas of Queensland.